共 304479 个产品
- 货号:PIC0007CAS:包装:分子式:纯度规格:Safe for Proteomic Mass Spectrometry applications分子量:
- 货号:PIC0002CAS:包装:1 ML, 5 ML分子式:纯度规格:for use with mammalian cell and tissue extracts, Non-freezing solution分子量:
- 货号:PIC0004CAS:包装:1 ML, 5 ML分子式:纯度规格:for use in purification of Histidine-tagged proteins, Non-freezing solution分子量:
- 货号:PIC0005CAS:包装:1 ML, 5 ML分子式:纯度规格:For plant cell and tissue extracts, Non-freezing solution分子量:
- 货号:PIC0001CAS:包装:1 ML, 5 ML分子式:纯度规格:for use with fungal and yeast extracts, Non-freezing solution分子量:
- 货号:PIC0006CAS:包装:1 ML, 5 ML分子式:纯度规格:for use in tissue culture media, Non-freezing solution分子量:
- 货号:Z174556CAS:包装:1 EA分子式:纯度规格:capacity 5 mL分子量:
- 货号:Z173363CAS:包装:1 EA分子式:纯度规格:male Joints: ST/NS 14/20 (4), porosity 25-50 μm分子量:
- 货号:Z742560CAS:包装:1 EA分子式:纯度规格:size 3 mm, weight 1000 g分子量:
- 货号:Z764795CAS:包装:1 EA分子式:纯度规格:pack of 1 ea分子量:
- 货号:Z764841CAS:包装:1 EA分子式:纯度规格:pack of 1 ea分子量:
- 货号:Z758000CAS:包装:1 EA分子式:纯度规格:pkg of 1 ea分子量:
- 货号:Z224863CAS:包装:1 EA分子式:纯度规格:Replacement stopper分子量:
共15224页,第4755页 |