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1X DNase Buffer lucigen epicentre MBD092H
![]() 产品名称 1X DNase Buffer lucigen epicentre MBD092H 产品介绍
1X DNase Buffer lucigen epicentre MBD092H 产品简介:北京中北林格供应1X DNase Buffer lucigen epicentre MBD092H,中北林格是epicentre总/代理,提供epicentre产品货号。其他包括lucigen总代理,cellscript总/代理,Biosearch technologies总/代理,illumina总/代理,ICLLAB总/代理,ImmunoReagents总/代理。 1X DNase Buffer lucigen epicentre MBD092H 产品说明书 参数说明 产品名称:1X DNase Buffer 货号:MBD092H 规格:200 ml 存储温度:-20℃ 品牌:lucigen / epicentre 供应商:中北林格 产地:us 发货地:北京 1X DNase Buffer lucigen epicentre MBD092H 应用说明 Purification of TNA, DNA, or RNA for many applications, including PCR, RT-PCR, cloning, sequencing, Northern and Southern blotting, restriction analysis, and genomic library preparation. TNA,DNA或RNA的纯化可用于许多应用,包括PCR,RT-PCR,克隆,测序,Northern和Southern杂交,限制性分析和基因组文库制备。 The MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit uses a novel technology that enables efficient purification of intact total nucleic acid (TNA), DNA, or RNA from every type of biological material (Table 1 and Fig. 1). MasterPure™完整的DNA和RNA纯化试剂盒采用了一种新颖的技术,可以从每种类型的生物材料中有效纯化完整的总核酸(TNA),DNA或RNA(表1和tu1)。 The gentle salt-precipitation protocol permits rapid purification of high-molecular-weight nucleic acids from a single sample or many samples that are processed simultaneously (Fig. 4). High yields of nucleic acids are obtained using MasterPure Kits (Table 2), and yields and purity are highly consistent for different samples of the same material (Fig. 2). The resultant nucleic acids have an A260/A280 ratio of 1.8-2.0, indicating that they are substantially free of protein. The TNA, DNA, and/or RNA purified from different samples can be used directly in many applications. For example, the sensitivity of PCR or RT-PCR assays is often improved if the template is obtained using a MasterPure Purification Kit. 温和的盐沉淀方案允许从单个样品或同时处理的多个样品中快速纯化高分子量核酸(tu4)。使用MasterPure试剂盒可获得高产量的核酸(表2),并且同一材料的不同样品的产量和纯度高度一致(tu2)。所得核酸的A 260 / A 280 比为1.8-2.0,表明它们基本上不含蛋白质。从不同样品中纯化的TNA,DNA和/或RNA可以直接用于许多应用中。例如,如果使用MasterPure纯化试剂盒获得模板,则通常会提高PCR或RT-PCR分析的灵敏度。 1X DNase Buffer lucigen epicentre MBD092H 优势说明 Purify TNA in 30 minutes without cumbersome columns. 在30分钟内纯化TNA,无需繁琐的色谱柱。 A260/A280 ratios consistently between 1.8 and 2.0. 阿260 / A 280个 比例一致1.8和2.0之间。 Recover >90% of theoretical DNA yield. 回收> 90%的理论DNA产量。 No phenol, chloroform, or other caustic solvents. 没有苯酚,氯仿或其他苛性溶剂。 Each kit component is also available separately in a 10X package size. 每个套件组件也都单独提供10倍的包装尺寸。 Low- and high-molecular-weight nucleic acids are recovered. 回收低分子量和高分子量核酸。 Reference Schanke, J. and Watson, J. (1998) EPICENTRE Forum 5(2), 12. 1X DNase Buffer lucigen epicentre MBD092H tu例说明 Figure 1 (click to enlarge). Overview of the MasterPure™ Complete Kit protocol. tu 1(单击放大)。MasterPure™完整套件协议概述。 Figure 2. Comparison of PCR sensitivity using templates obtained using the MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit versus a spin-column kit. PCR amplification was performed after extraction from serial dilutions of E. coli cells ranging from 2 x 107 (lanes 1) to 200 (lanes 6). Lane M, DNA marker; lane 7, negative control. tu 2.使用MasterPure™Complete DNA和RNA纯化试剂盒与旋转柱试剂盒获得的模板比较PCR灵敏度。 从从2 x 10 7 (泳道1)到200(泳道6)的大肠杆菌细胞系列稀释液中提取后进行PCR扩增 。M泳道,DNA标记;泳道7,阴性对照。 Figure 3 (click to enlarge). DNA, RNA, and total nucleic acid (TNA) purified from diverse cell sources using the MasterPure™ Complete Kit. M = kb ladder. tu 3(单击放大)。使用MasterPure™Complete Kit从各种细胞来源纯化的DNA,RNA和总核酸(TNA)。 M = kb梯形tu。 Figure 4. Consistent purification of DNA, TNA, and RNA. Five different genomic DNA (lanes 1-5), TNA (lanes 6-10), and total cellular RNA (lanes 11-15) samples were isolated from frozen bovine liver with the MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit. Lane M, Kilobase ladder. tu 4. DNA,TNA和RNA的一致纯化。 使用MasterPure™Complete DNA和RNA纯化试剂盒从冷冻牛肝中分离出五个不同的基因组DNA(泳道1-5),TNA(泳道6-10)和总细胞RNA(泳道11-15)样品。M线,千磅梯子。
*For extraction of yeast DNA, the MasterPure™ Yeast DNA Purification Kit is recommended. Table 2. Example of yields of nucleic acids obtained using MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kits. 对此产品有兴趣,可联系中北林格。 |
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