BIOshellTM IgG 1000 Å C18, 2.7 μm HPLC Column
BIOshellTM IgG 1000 Å Diphenyl, 2.7 μm HPLC Guard Cartridge
Capillary Column Nut (fits Agilent injectors and non-MS detectors), hexagonal wrenchtight version
Carbotrap® 202
Carbotrap® 217
Certified CDTM Vial (Center Draining) Kit, 9 mm thread with cap/septa, unassembled
经过认证的 CD 样品瓶(中心集液)套装,带有 9mm 螺纹和瓶盖/隔垫,未组装
Certified QSertVialTM (vial with fused-in insert) kit, screw thread, 12 x 32 mm, 0.3 mL, pkg of 100
经过认证的 QSertVial 螺纹口样品瓶套装(熔接有内衬管的样品瓶),12×32mm,300μL
Certified vials, 8 x 40 mm (caps included), pk of 250
经过认证的 8×40mm 样品瓶(包括瓶盖)
冷凝器, Condenser
双糖标准品套装, Disaccharides Kit